Friday, May 31, 2013

A Preponderance Of Evidence

Undoubtedly, many will strive to continue to discredit the possibility of a connection between the Americas and Pacific prior to the arrival of modern Europeans but the preponderance of evidence provided by these simple maps based upon mathematical facts when combined with the past and present studies and findings in human genetics, agricultural genetics, linguistics, navigation, lithic materials, timelines and religious practices will continue to prove otherwise. For the Record: All identified locations mapped using Global Positioning Coordinates published by Wikipedia and Wikimapia using NOAA Navigational Tools Software in conjunction with those latitude/longitude positions and correlated with maps prepared by National Geographic/Google/Oracle while using Miller Cylindrical Projection and using UTM Projection WGS 84 (NAD83) calculations. All work performed by me or under my direct supervision, a certified professional surveyor & mapper.

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