Rapa Nui (Easter Island) - A Compass of the Pacific
A pragmatic approach to the Ahu Moai of Easter Island and the Polynesian culture of the North and South Pacific Islands
Friday, May 31, 2013
A Preponderance Of Evidence
Undoubtedly, many will strive to continue to discredit the possibility of a connection between the Americas and Pacific prior to the arrival of modern Europeans but the preponderance of evidence provided by these simple maps based upon mathematical facts when combined with the past and present studies and findings in human genetics, agricultural genetics, linguistics, navigation, lithic materials, timelines and religious practices will continue to prove otherwise.
For the Record: All identified locations mapped using Global Positioning Coordinates published by Wikipedia and Wikimapia using NOAA Navigational Tools Software in conjunction with those latitude/longitude positions and correlated with maps prepared by National Geographic/Google/Oracle while using Miller Cylindrical Projection and using UTM Projection WGS 84 (NAD83) calculations. All work performed by me or under my direct supervision, a certified professional surveyor & mapper.

Thursday, May 30, 2013
Exhausting The Possibilities
After exhausting the possibilities for Volcano Terevaka, the next most prominent land features would be Ahu Akivi and Urenga which are located along the ridge between Volcanoes Terevaka and Rano Kau. Using the Ahu/Moai elevated upon the ridge, in conjunction with the nearest pair of coastal Ahu/Moai a direct bearing towards Tahiti and the South Island of New Zealand is revealed.
Along the southeasterly coastline, the total number of Ahu/Moai equals the sum of the northerly and westerly coastlines yet using the same methods of calculation does not provide direction to anywhere significantly related. Nonetheless, the same manner by which some of the Ahu/Moai provide the proper direction, others could also be used to indicate the wrong direction. An interesting observation about the southeasterly coastal Ahu/Moai is how they can be used with each other to find due East and the precise direction to Copiano, another center of culture in South America and when properly aligned due east from Rapa Nui (Easter Island) the 13 Ahu/Moai would appear as only 9, a significant number to both regions found in legend, politics and triangulation.

Initial Calculations
After initially calculating a match for both Hawaii and New Zealand, a preliminary analysis of the remaining Ahu/Moai was conducted.
Like the rays of the sun or spokes on a wheel, the lines were further protracted across the Pacific in every direction. Using Volcano Terevaka exclusively as the central apex, 42% of the protracted bearings pointed towards significant centers of culture of the time including the two largest land masses in Polynesia, a known ancient point of origin in North America, and several significant established cities of South America.

Like The Rays Of The Sun
Using GPS coordinates to map the location of the Ahu/Moai and determining the most simple and easiest method of using existing landmarks to triangulate a direction for navigation would be to find to the midpoint between a pair of Ahu/Moai along the shoreline and draw a line from that point to another significant landmark further inland. In terms of visibility, the higher elevated the landmark is topographically, the easier it is to see. The highest point on Rapa Nui (Easter Island) is atop Volcano Terevaka and from sea is visible in every direction. Radiating directional bearings from this high point and midway between a pair of Ahu/Moai, lines were protracted into the sea and well beyond. The example below depicts how Ahu/Moai Maikati Te Moa and Te Peu point directly towards the North Island of New Zealand.
From the ocean, the conditions would look similar to the sketch in Figure 10b

Saturday, May 25, 2013
Off on a Tangent - Migrations and Genetics
There is no doubt in my mind that the Ahu and Moai locations are directly related to the land mass at the end of the projected bearing but as an exercise I felt it was necessary to support more than a coincidence. In short, the possible migration routes and the genetic evidence that has been researched up to this point both agree with the timelines of the construction of the Ahu and Moai on Rapa Nui (Easter Island) and the cultural evidence seem to reinforce the idea more than contradict.
Off on a tangent, I began mapping the significant archeological and genetic findings. The maps prepared reflect the general migration routes which were possible and most logical considering the currents, winds and other perspectives from a navigational point of view. Although the direction of flow may be debated, their existence can not. Using these genetic results in conjunction with current archeological evidence, the earliest historical evidence indicates Polynesia was originally settled by a “robust bone” Caucasian people. There existence today can still be seen much further West and into Melanesia the ancient Northern Americans share a similar gene.
After about 1,500-2,000 years, a Indus Region Caucasian gene appears in the pacific but mixed with descendants of the ancient Asian gene from Taiwan via Central and South America. Around the same period, the Asian gene from Taiwan appears via North America. During this period of reintegration, the population grows significantly throughout the Pacific and continuing to mix with newer immigrants.
When comparing the original Caucasian gene with the more recent arriving Caucasian gene, there are many similarities but the two would have diverged about 2,000 years ago according to genetic studies. Basically, the two did not encounter each other at sea but could share a common ancient history.

Friday, May 24, 2013
Pre-Calculated Directions
Although I need a little more time to verify dates of civilizations, re-calculate locations, and clarify some further sources and studies, the initial calculations are proving to be accurate and coincide with the latest studies as well as ancient legends of both the Pacific and the Americas.
For the Record: All identified locations mapped using Global Positioning Coordinates published by Wikipedia and Wikimapia using NOAA Navigational Tools Software in correlation with those latitude/longitude positions and correlated with maps prepared by National Geographic/Google/Oracle using Miller Cylindrical Projection and using UTM Projection WGS 84 (NAD83) calculations. As a certified professional surveyor & mapper with over 25 years experience, all maps are prepared by me or under my direction supervision.

Thursday, May 23, 2013
Directional Beacons
The Ahu and Moai can be used as directional beacons much like the modern lighthouses are used today. The addition of fire on or nearby the Ahu could further add to the visibility of the statues from both the light and the smoke.
From the aspect of survival, gaining the cooperation of the amount of people necessary for organizing such a herculean effort is greatly enhanced. Like many other islands, one of the first priorities of the Maoris of New Zealand when landing was to construct a Po or totem type structure. This would instantly provide the navigator with a land bearing for the return trip.

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